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RBF Myanmar is a ‘Challenge Fund’ to promote responsible business practices of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Myanmar. The main objective of RBF Myanmar is to “increase the competitiveness and responsible behavior of Myanmar enterprises” by providing partial grants to MSMEs for the implementation of projects with a potential to demonstrate ‘Responsible Technologies/Business Practices’. RBF was established in August 2017 and has disbursed MMK 20.87 Billion.The Fund focuses on helping MSMEs demonstrate the ‘business case’ to invest in 7 responsible areas such as Energy Efficiency, Water Efficiency, Waste Treatment & Recycling, Occupational Safety & Health, Food Safety, Managerial & Supervisory Skills, and Practical & Technical Skills.

RBF Myanmar is opening 6th Call for Proposals. Details are coming soon.

"Increase the Competitiveness & Responsible Behavior of Myanmar Enterprises"

About us

RBF Myanmar is a ‘Challenge Fund’ to promote responsible business practices of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Myanmar. The main objective of RBF Myanmar is to “increase the competitiveness and responsible behavior of Myanmar enterprises” by providing partial grants to MSMEs for the implementation of projects with a potential to demonstrate ‘Responsible Technologies/Business Practices’. RBF was established in August 2017 and has disbursed MMK 20.87 Billion till now. The Fund focuses on helping MSMEs demonstrate the ‘business case’ to invest in 7 responsible areas such as Energy Efficiency, Water Efficiency, Waste Treatment & Recycling, Occupational Safety & Health, Food Safety, Managerial & Supervisory Skills, and Practical & Technical Skills.

RBF Stakeholders


Any MSME that has a Business License for at least 2 years and is interested in investing in a new responsible business practice.


Any Consultant / Expert / Technician, with experience in conducting Feasibility Studies and preparing Bankable Proposals to support MSMEs raise Grants or Loans, in particular for responsible business investments.


Any Supplier of Equipment or Training & Technical Services that facilitate new responsible business investments by MSMEs and would like such projects as ‘Demonstrations’ to develop the market for their new Technologies/Equipment/Services.



Grant disbursed for SMEs till date



Has been disbursed grant by RBF Board



Balance for SMEs to seek Grant support from RBF



Of Myanmar in which the RBF supported SMEs/Projects are located

Energy Efficiency